Very Exclusive Figurines 


Porcelain figurines on white shelves


Individual titles:

Velfærdssamfundet - Welfare society

Frihed - Freedom

Tillid -Trust

Lighed for loven - Equality for the law

Kønsligestilling - Gender equality

Det Danske Sprog - The Danish language

Foreningsliv og Frivillighed - Associations and voluntary work

Frisind - Liberality/tolerance

Hygge - Hygge

Den Kristne Kulturarv - The Christian heritage

The former Minister for Culture in Denmark, Bertel Haarder, carried out the process of creating a Denmark Canon. People were to send in suggestions as to what should be on the list. A small group of curators then narrowed down the suggestions to a total of 20, which were put up for a vote online between 15th and 22nd November 2016. A total of 326,298 people voted and today the 10 abovementioned values constitute the Denmark Canon.